Alkuperäinen Farmimuna – Katkeamaton laatuketju tuottajalta kuluttajalle

Munia liinalla

Authentic, domestic and tasty Farmimuna

Farmimuna Oy produces 100% domestic, high-quality and clean egg products for end users, which are households, bakeries, commercial kitchens and the food industry.

Our family company is involved in every step of the production chain, from initial production to the finished product. The chicks arrive at one day old, which is where the entire chicken production chain begins on our farm – from rearing to laying.

With our unique production chain, we can ensure the best possible quality for our products and we are able to closely monitor every aspect of the chain.

We operate modernly while respecting rural traditions

Farmimuna’s business started in 1997, but chickens have been kept on our farm at Kulmalankuja in Oripää since 1965. Three generations are currently involved in the operation of our family business, and our company’s ownership base is 100% family owned. We are a large and modern, but traditional farm. A strong desire for development drives the operations of our farm forward all the time.

Today, the areas of operation of our farm are the further processing of eggs, packaging, the raising of young chickens, as well as traditional agriculture and the production of organic fertilizer.

Kanoja kanalassa

Responsibly produced eggs

For Farmimuna, responsibility is the guiding principle of business. We operate respecting nature through continuous development work and responsible choices. Our goal is to offer products of the highest possible quality, the production of which takes into account environmental friendliness, energy efficiency and economy.

Our own large solar power plant produces about a quarter of the electricity needed for production operations. Our own feed factory operating on the same farm produces a large part of the necessary grain and feed.

All extra transports have been minimized by enabling the entire production chain on our farm. The chicks are raised as young chickens in their own rearing hen, and most of the eggs come from their own production, from where they are transferred directly to the packaging machine.

Oma aurinkosähkövoimala

Own solar
electric power plant
and a feed factory

Oma kasvatuskanala

chicken houses
for breeding

Oma munantuotanto

Most eggs
from own
egg production

Kuljetukset minimoitu

additional transports

Oman tilan oljet käytetään lämmitykseen

The straw
from the farm's own fields
is used for heating

Tilan ylimäärälannasta luomulannoitetta

Organic fertilizer
from the farm's
surplus manure

Pakataan kuorimunia ja tehdään jalostetuotteita

Shell eggs
are graded
and processed